Monday, March 28, 2011

My Father's Face

In the spring, when all his flowers begin to bloom, I see my father again in his gardens and in his orchard. When I sit on his tractor and mow his pasture, I hear his voice in my ear, whispering just below the rumbling sound of the engine.

I'm excited to have Spring so close, the first blooms are beginning to show. I've so missed him, but now

I see his face again, in each new bloom.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Peeping Tom

Last night, as I lay sleeping snug
Within in my cozy bed,
I heard a soft voice whispering
Within my drowsy head.

I wakened from my quiet dreams,
I felt someone was near.
Then I saw him outside my room
And inside he did peer.

So bright his gaze across my bed,
I felt a strange delight.
No doubt a handsome face like his
Could light up any night.

And yet he chose my window sill
To pause and peer into.
So I invited him on in.
What was a girl to do?!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Thank You, For All You've Done

Thank you for the patient years
That you have seen me through,
In all the turbulence of life
You knew just what to do.
You carried me when I was small
And much too weak to stand
And every time I needed you
You let me hold your hand.
So now that time has turned on you,
And placed you in my care,
I hope I’ll do as good a job
Of always being there
To hold you when your steps are weak,
Or help you when you fall,
For you have done so much for me,
I can’t repay it all.
So I will ask that God give you
What you’re deserving of:
The priceless gift you gave to me,
My ceaseless, patient love.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Flying into the Son

A year ago you said good bye
And flew into the sun
And every day that has passed since
Hurts as much as that one.
But I am learning to believe
That, when my life is done,
I’ll follow in the path you took
And fly into the Son.

I've missed you every day that’s passed,
I’ve counted every one,
But I’ll stick with the task you set
Until my work is done.
And someday when I’ve finished here,
When all my wars are won,
You’ll come for me and lead me home,
We'll fly into the Son.