Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Absence of Sound

Where are the voices that sing to me,
Where are the songs they sang?
Where are the rhythms, meters and rhymes,
Where are the words that rang?
Where are the thoughts captured in ink and
Scribed in joy on my heart?
Where are the songs of sorrow or praise?
I can’t begin to start.

Where are the words and where are the songs
Where are the dreams they paint
I hear them echoing far away
Lost and growing more faint
Why am I cast on this barren shore,
Shattered, empty, alone?
Why am I punished? For which great sin
Must my poor heart atone?

Why have the voices abandoned me,
Why did they take my song,
Why did they leave me alive, yet dead?
Voiceless amid the throng
Of words that hunger to leave my throat,
To dance across my page;
Bringing a highlight to breathless joy
Or shade to bitter rage.

My songs are gone, the words have fled
And silent is my voice
Until they find their way back home.
There is no other choice.
Look not to me to bring you song
Look not for laughter here.
Look only for a barren heart
Reflected in a tear.

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