Thursday, June 12, 2008

If a Tear Falls in the Forest....

The Dryad weeps, her tears uncontrolled
Sorrow spilling in falls down the face of her grief
Bitterness burning her soul, searing her heart;
The bitter gall of torment that only family can raise

The Dryad weeps, tears pooling in emptiness,
In hollows where laughter had danced just minutes before;
Bruised darkness, seeping shock and sorrow
Into the dying light of lost happiness

Why does she care, why does she come
Why does it matter to her that it doesn’t matter
She is but a thought, forgotten moments before.
And the darkness grows and sorrow pools
Then spills in falls down the face of her grief
The Dryad weeps, but who can see her tears for the trees.

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