Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Weather Outside is Frightful....

It may not look like much to you, but here in Western WA we don't get much of this stuff... well, not in the lowlands anyway!

I woke up to a thick dusting this morning,,,

But by the time I got back from work at 3:00 it was really coming down!!

So I turned on the Christmas lights, lit the candles. cause it was starting to get dark outside, and snuggled in for the night. Warm and cozy! Just me, the candlelight and the soft quiet of falling snow. Have you ever noticed how still and quiet the world becomes when it snows? It's as if the snow itself insulates the world from the noise and chaos that normally fills it..

May the quiet peace of a snowfall ease the chaos of your holidays this year. For peace is a gift from God, in whatever form it comes to us.

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