Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Civil War in Tumwater... May 2, 2008

Pre-war planning session....

The gallantry of the Southern Cavalryman lives on...!

Warriors and athletes, both!

Yes, they were all there:

The Blue

The Butternut
And the Grey
Even the Navy showed up for the fight!

When the Infantry wants to take a shot at the Cavalry, they better make that first shot a good one or this is what happens:
The time it takes to re-load is longer than the time it takes for a fast horse to be on top of you...

And, of course, there is the distaff side of the war:

Whenever we women get together conversation inevitably turns to clothing and knitting and sewing ...

And even for the women, carrying on when we're tired is a way of life...

On a side note, Daniel and Jackson, our Cavalry duo, will soon be separated. Daniel will be leaving for Advanced Infantry Training this summer and then he ships out to Afghanistan with a modern Cavalry unit. We will miss him in the 1860's, but we are grateful for his protection and his courage in this century. Please hold him in your prayers as his battlefield becomes quite real.

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