Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day

I had one morning in this week
When I could just sleep in,
But there I was at 6:15
Wide awake again.
I couldn’t figure out why God
Had kicked me out of bed;
I could have just ignored His call
But I got up instead.

I went downstairs to make my tea
And opened my back shade
And then I saw it, right out back;
This day the Lord had made.
And I knew why I’d gotten up
For, if in bed I’d laid,
I would have missed this gentle dawn,
And new buds on parade.
I stepped outside to catch the shot
And heard the songbirds sing;
I smelled the fragrance that new leaves
And budding blossoms bring.
I knew, as I felt life burst forth
From every living thing,
That it is not by accident
Mother’s Day falls in spring?

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